Many guys will turn up and would die to marry her: Ravi Kishen

rakhiabhishek_bigRakhi Sawant surely knows how to be in news without any help of a PR.

At present the controversial girl is featured all around media with her new reality show on NDTV Imagine, Rakhi Ka Swayamvar, which would make Rakhi meet her future husband.

We spoke with some of the television celebs and tried to find out, what they think about this new show, whether they would ever have contested in such a show in which Rakhi is involved and also whether the show would earn TRP’s for the channel.

Chetan Hansraj: I don’t know much about the show but I think it’s an over hyped show.

No, I would never have been a contestant on such a show. As far as channel’s TRP is concerned, I don’t want to comment on it.

Saurav Pandey: Rakhi is a good friend of mine. I wouldn’t like to say something negative but actually I was wondering that which guy would like to marry Rakhi Sawant. I am just waiting for the show very eagerly, just to see that what type of guys will come to marry Rakhi Sawant. Guys like Salman Khan or Shah Rukh Khan.

No, I wouldn’t like to marry her as she is a good friend and I am happy to be her friend only. But I believe the channel will earn a lot of TRP from this show because everyone is looking forward to this fun and drama filled show.

Amit verma: I am speechless, what do I say but yes, I feel it’s a very unique concept; its weird as well as unique way of getting married. But I would definitely not like to try or experiment such ways of wedding. It is something that only Rakhi can do as she can only experiment on such issues. I respect her for that.

ravikissen_big I wouldn’t like to marry her as I think Rakhi is better as a sister and I would love to have a sister as mischievous as Rakhi. I think the show will give the channel a lot of publicity and TRP. Even I am looking forward to this show. I think this show will help the channel to gain back its position.

Ravi Kishen: It’s a fantastic concept. I am happy about the show and may god bless Rakhi to get the best possible soul mate this time. She is a lonely soul and she deserves someone who can understand her well. People always tell her dramebaaz and all but I think she is a nice girl.

I know many guys will turn up and would die to marry her but I can’t because I am already married. If I would have been a bachelor then too I don’t think so I would have been a perfect match for her.

Sharad Kelkar: I don’t know much about the show, but yes I have heard about this show and its inspired by the show called bachelors. But good this concept is being used in the Indian television.

Very honestly I wouldn’t like to marry Rakhi Sawant at all but yes, she has always helped the various channels when it comes to TRP’s.

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