Who's Mahie's very, very naughty 'friend'


Mahie Gill has finally taken some time off from work to decorate her new Goa property and spend time with her pooch

To take a break from her hectic shoot schedule, Mahie Gill has finally managed to take a short holiday. Currently, the actress is chilling in Goa with her newly acquired canine companion, a pug.

Mahie has also purchased a spanking new apartment in the tourist destination and is taking time out to do the interiors of the place.

Mahie says, `I won't be staying here and so I will be giving it out on rent. But I still need to fix a few things.` The acterss is also glad she is finally getting to spend time with her beloved pooch. The dog was a gift from the royal family of Gujarat.


The actress says, `Previously I had a dog called Bruno. But after he passed away, I decided not to keep another one. Now, I call my new friend Dona Gill and she is very, very naughty!`

While she is in a full-fledged romantic relationship right now, Mahie seems to be in no hurry to tie the knot. `I have absolutely no plans of getting hitched right now.` Looks like the lady is busy showering all her attention on her pooch.

Courtesy: Mid-Day.com
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