Denied sex, duo harass actress


Producer and writer held for allegedly sending lewd SMSes, posting vulgar comments online

Producer and writer have been arrested for allegedly sending her lewd SMSes and posting vulgar comments on social networking website

On Wednesday night, Versova police arrested a small-time writer and a film producer for allegedly sending lewd messages to Sapna, an actress, on her mobile phone, and posting vulgar comments about her on a social networking website.

The accused - Harish Jaiswal (42) and Mukesh Pandey (28) - were allegedly defaming the actress on a social networking website since the past three months.

When the actress could not bear the abuse any further, she decided to teach the duo a lesson and recorded their conversation on her mobile phone. She then approached Versova police and lodged a complaint against the two.

`The FIR was registered against the duo based on the mobile phone recording, ` said Sharad Borse, senior PI of Versova police station.


Police arrested the duo and presented them before the court yesterday. Both Jaiswal and Pandey have been remanded in police custody till Monday.

`We have seized the computers of the duo to match the IP address from which the comments were posted. Besides, we are also trying to find out if they have committed a similar crime in the past, ` an officer from Versova police station said.

The lust story

Jaiswal and Pandey had met the actress and offered her an item song in their film. According to police, the duo then asked the actress for sexual favours. But when she refused to oblige, they started harassing her.

`They defamed me on the website by posting lewd and vulgar remarks on my pictures. When I tried to block them from my account on the social networking website, they started calling me on my mobile phone, " the actress alleged.

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