Blender's Pride Fashion Tour 2011: Glam Showstoppers


Bold silhouettes, old world opulence and retro chic, the Blender's Pride Fashion Tour, Delhi, was ripe with show-stopping celebrities and stunning garments. Vote for your favourite celebrity showstopper.


Saif Ali Khan: Saif Ali Khan amazed the crowd in a well-fitted suit, doing justice to Mandira Wirk’s opulent collection. His stance at the end of the ramp baffles though.

Ranveer Singh: We think the film industry gives Ranveer Singh an unnecessary ego boost. First, he’s featured on Simi Selects India’s Most Desirable and secondly, designers seem to love him on the ramp. Here he is walking for his favourite designers Rohit & Rahul, in a show-stopping outfit from their line “Amazement”. Do you think the man has style?


Soha Ali Khan: Chameli look for Soha? Ramona Narang’s Ibella collection comprised of bold silhouettes, vibrant colours and a flower-laden Soha Ali Khan.

Sonal Chauhan: Rina Dhaka’s monsoon holiday collection featured the beautiful Sonal Chauhan as a showstopper.

Lisa Haydon: Rascal’s item girl, Lisa Haydon, brings back retro charm in this show-stopping jumpsuit from Asmita Marwa’s Metamorphosis collection.

Anushka Sharma: The outfit Anushka Sharma’s wearing is from Wendell Rodricks' Sorbet Splash collection, which explains the colour choice but not the 'night wear nightmare' gown.

Minissha Lamba: The fact that Minissha could manage an elegant swirl under all that velvet and caked make up is an applaudable feat. Designer Reynu Tandon lost out on the basics of fashion, styling Minissha in an outfit that makes her look neck-less.

Angela Jonsson: Rocky S presented his Red Carpet collection and Angela Jonsson was the perfect showstopper.

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