Says a source, "Kareena is perhaps the only actress today who can command such a price. Several A-list companies are vying for and want her as their brand ambassador. The actress was paid Rs 5 crore for ITC's Vivel soap ad. She has now signed on for Kurkure at Rs 7 crore, which also has Juhi Chawla."
Adds the source, "Kareena will be portrayed as the younger, bubblier face of Kurkure. After her vivacious portrayal of Geet in Jab We Met, Bebo is seen as an ideal choice when it comes to endorsing cosmetics, personal care products and jewellery. She also spells class so when it comes to lifestyle products and the star is an obvious choice. The actress is also a youth icon, so companies sign her for products that target the youth. She's finished her contract for ICI Paints and Citizen watches and is now in negotiations for an international project."
The actress, who shot for the new Head & Shoulders ad at Mehboob Studios yesterday, will be shooting the Kurkure ad tomorrow.
Today, the busy actress has taken a day off for Diwali. The source adds, "Saif will be coming today to Mumbai to spend Diwali with Kareena and they will attend Akshay Kumar and Twinkle's Diwali bash tonight."
Kareena's endorsements
ITC's Vivel soap
Head & Shoulders
D D'mas for Geetanjali
Anne French
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